Unveiling the UX Lessons from Indian Hindu Mythology — Part 2The Mahabharata, a monumental epic filled with tales of bravery, moral dilemmas, and the triumph of righteousness, holds within its…Sep 28, 2023Sep 28, 2023
Unveiling the UX Lessons from Indian Hindu Mythology — Part 1Get ready for an exciting journey! Over four parts, we’ll harness the power of Indian Hindu mythology to create user experiences that are…Sep 17, 2023Sep 17, 2023
Contextual Inquiry (Hidden dimension of user research)What is Contextual inquiry?Jan 3, 2021Jan 3, 2021
Dark Patterns — Deceptive UX designWhere designers use their knowledge of human behavior and the desires of end-users to manipulates human behaivourJun 21, 2020Jun 21, 2020
When Design meets MathMath formulas and concepts for making user exprerience betterMay 16, 2020May 16, 2020
CONFIDENCE INTERVALS(Concept of error correction for quantitative user research)Confidence values matter in research. They guide the research as to how much weight the research should carry in the decision making…May 2, 2020May 2, 2020
Spot the differences — UX Terminology Part -2:Get to know the eminent differences in UX TerminologyJan 20, 2020Jan 20, 2020